Turn your computer, iPhone, iPad, or any portable device into a metronome with these mp3 files. The files are simple to use and easy to set up. See the instructions at the bottom of this page for more details.
For a limited time, the basic metronome files are available for free. The other metronomes are available at very affordable prices.
To receive the free files, follow these steps:
1. Like Kyle Coughlin Music on Facebook
2. Send an email to FreeMetBot@MetronomeBot.com
3. You will receive an email with a link to a zip file and download instructions.
4. Use the MetronomeBot audio tracks and practice well!
The free basic metronome has a tempo range of 30 Beats Per Minute to 300 Beats Per Minute. The zip file contains 54 individual tracks.
Available for purchase at Gumroad.com:
Talking metronomes in two, three, and four
Coming soon:
Sleigh bell metronome tracks
Duple subdividing metronome tracks
Triple subdividing metronome tracks
Quadruple subdividing metronome tracks
Meter metronome in two tracks
Meter metronome in three tracks
Meter metronome in four tracks
To use the metronome tracks with iTunes, save the zip file to your computer and open the file to extract each individual MP3 track (your computer might do this automatically).
Next, import the MP3 files into iTunes.
You can create a playlist and add all of the MetronomeBot tracks to it.
If you want to use your cell phone as a metronome, sync that playlist to your phone.
Each track is approximately 3 minutes long. If you would like to practice at one tempo for longer than 3 minutes, set that track to loop.
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More MetronomeBots:
Basic metronome
MP3 track metronome
Sleigh bell metronome Talking metronome in two
Talking metronome in three
Talking metronome in four Duple subdivision metronome
Triple subdivision metronome
Quadruple subdivision metronome Meter metronome in two
Meter metronome in three
Meter metronome in four
Improve Your Rhythm
Visit www.Rhythm-In-Music.com for an educational site that explains all of the fundamental aspects of rhythm. The site also includes more than 450 practice patterns with audio examples, designed to help you improve your rhythm skills.