Improve Your Rhythm - Practice Tips


MetronomeBot - The Free Online Metronome that Counts the Beat

Welcome to, the free online talking metronome. This site includes 12 different metronomes to help you practice music better. I am currently moving MetronomeBot to my newest site, The metronomes on this site will continue to work until the year 2020, when Adobe ceases to support Flash. For an explanation on this process, visit my blog post on MetronomeBot and Flash.


Basic Clicking Metronomes:

Basic metronome - clicks on the beat with a loud wood-block sound
MP3 track metronome - can be used on iPods, iPhones, and other portable devices
Sleigh bell metronome - great for practicing holiday music, it also works well for practicing jazz

Talking Metronomes:

Talking metronome in two - counts "one-two" in a steady tempo
Talking metronome in three - counts "one-two-three" in a steady tempo
Talking metronome in four - counts "one-two-three-four" in a steady tempo

Subdividing Metronomes:

Duple subdivision metronome - subdivides the beat into two equal parts. Great for practicing eighth notes, dotted quarter notes, or any other duple subdivision.
Triple subdivision metronome - subdivides the beat into three equal parts. Great for practicing in 6/8, 3/8, or 9/8 time signatures, or for learning triplets.
Quadruple subdivision metronome - subdivides the beat into four equal parts, which is useful for practicing sixteenth notes, or eighth notes in cut time.

Metronomes in Different Meters:

Meter metronome in two - for practicing in 2/4, cut time (2/2), or 6/8
Meter metronome in three - for practicing in 3/4, 3/8, or 9/8
Meter metronome in four - for practicing in 4/4, 4/8, or 12/8

Learn More About MetronomeBot



MetronomeBot, the fun online talking metronome

MP3 Track Metronome for iPhone

Most online metronomes (including 11 of the ones on this site) use Flash Player to function. There are many advantages to using Flash, but there is one big disadvantage: iPhones, most other smart phones, and tablets do not play Flash applications. MetronomeBot’s mp3 track metronome is a solution to that problem. Also, try the mp3 track downloads to turn your iPhone or iPod into a metronome.

What is a Metronome?

If you are a beginner and aren't yet sure what a metronome is, read What is a Metronome. Also, How to Use a Metronome will give you practice tips and techniques on how to make the most out of your metronome.

Why Use a Metronome?

There are many benefits and advantages to practicing with a metronome. Using a metronome can help you improve your sense of beat and tempo, develop better listening skills, practice more efficiently, and more.

How to Buy a Metronome

Are you looking for a guitar metronome? A drum metronome? A piano metronome? Regardless of the the instrument you are playing, all metronomes provide the same thing: a steady beat to help you practice better. However, their features can be very different. Read the section on What Is a Metronome and How to Buy a Metronome for more information.


More MetronomeBots:

Basic metronome
MP3 track metronome
Sleigh bell metronome
Talking metronome in two
Talking metronome in three
Talking metronome in four
Duple subdivision metronome
Triple subdivision metronome
Quadruple subdivision metronome
Meter metronome in two
Meter metronome in three
Meter metronome in four

Improve Your Rhythm

The Fundamentals of Rhythm, book by Kyle Coughlin

Visit for an educational site that explains all of the fundamental aspects of rhythm. The site also includes more than 450 practice patterns with audio examples, designed to help you improve your rhythm skills.


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