This metronome produces a high click on the downbeat, followed by low clicks on beats two, three, and four. It is useful for practicing music in 4/4, 4/8, or 12/8 when it is a compound meter and the dotted quarter note equals one beat.
If you find it difficult to hear the beat clearly with this metronome, try using MetronomeBot’s talking metronome in four. Many students find that the talking beat is easier to hear than the clicking beat.
Metronomes in other meters:
Meter metronome in two
Meter metronome in three
Practice tips for how to use a metronome.
This metronome requires Flash Player. If you do not see the metronome or if it does not function properly, update to the most recent version of Flash at If you are using an iPhone, iPad, or other device that cannot operate Flash applications, try the click track MetronomeBot.
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More MetronomeBots:
Basic metronome
MP3 track metronome
Sleigh bell metronome Talking metronome in two
Talking metronome in three
Talking metronome in four Duple subdivision metronome
Triple subdivision metronome
Quadruple subdivision metronome Meter metronome in two
Meter metronome in three
Meter metronome in four
Improve Your Rhythm
Visit for an educational site that explains all of the fundamental aspects of rhythm. The site also includes more than 450 practice patterns with audio examples, designed to help you improve your rhythm skills.